Wednesday, December 29, 2021

Venting time

How many people can say they are fed up with with certain things in everyday life?  

     I know I can.  Many people who have had stories told to them from other people (in general) its not true.  I believe that God puts things in your life that you can handle.  Well the welcome is being overstayed.  Its getting on my nerves.  It stinks how some People can talk to other People.   I was taught growing up that you absolutely, don't talk back to your Parents or Grandparents.   In my Family, if you talked back to my Grandma Jojo.  You were picking your tail up off the floor, while you were wiping tears away. 

There was also another rule that always gets broken.  Treat people with RESPECT and they will treat you will RESPECT back.  That's not hard to remember.   However I guess People, don't care  other People's feelings.   Which stinks. So, please be kind and treat other people the way you want to be treated.