Saturday, February 27, 2021

Update on Momma (part 2)


2-27 - Update

Yesterday Dad took mom to the ER in Hillsborough, the doctor did a MRI on her.  It came back that she had a stroke a while back. But, they didn't know how long.  But she was still acting like she was a toddler.  So they made the decision to take he to the main campus of UNC.  So she can be there already for her surgery Thursday or if they need to do the surgery earlier.  

I spoke with the nurse this morning.  She said, she was about the same.  She was complaining about her stomach hurting, so they were having a ultrasound done.

Please continue to pray for her and allof the family.

I will keep everyone updated as I find out.

Thank you! Love each and everyone of you!❤😞🙏

Friday, February 26, 2021

Update on Momma



She checked her sugar several times this morning, it was between 55 & 65. She wasn't freaking out.  She was calm, cool and collective.  We did our normal routine medicines & eating. Still not up.  So Dad called the doctor & the doctor said to take her to the er.  So Dad loaded her up & they are at the hospital in Hillsborough, as we speak running test.

Will keep everyone posted.

Thank you for your continued prayers


Very Concerned Daughter


A very concerned Daughter

    I am pretty sure people have seen my post about me.  However I haven't posted anything lately about my parents.  Well here is something that is very concerning to me and I want answers.  But until I talk to the doctor, I have you blame idea what is going on.  Here is a little background, Mom has had several health issues a she has beat them.  

    Well, she is a diabetic- she takes insulin shots everyday.  With her being a diabetic- she has to keep a check on her feet.  A couple of weeks ago, she started complaining about her feet hurting.  So, I checked it out and found a splinter in it.  Not know how long it had been there.  I removed it and placed a band aid on it.  Which in turn she was still complaining about it.  I checked it out again and from the middle of her foot to her heel, she had infection in it.  So, on Valentine's Day, Dad took her to the the ER.  They proceed to run test and then they admit her to the Hospital.

    She was there for a whole week.  In the process of that she had to have a PICC line inserted into her arm that takes the antibiotics straight to her heart.  Then she came home & Dad started giving her the medicines.  On Tuesday evening, she started repeating herself 3 & 4 times.  Then Wednesday Morning (around 3:40 am), she woke all of us up to tell us, she felt like she was dying.  I looked at her & proceeded to tell her she wasn't going anywhere.  Because she was to mean & stubborn.  All she did was laugh.

    Then the nurse came out to the house to take blood & proceeded to change her foot dressing.  I mentioned to the nurse about what she did.  The nurse asked if she got UTI, really bad.  I told her she hadn't complained about hurting.  Then Dad takes her to the wound center for the doctor to check on her foot.  The Doctor told Dad, I don't like the way her foot looks.  The Doctor said, she needs to have surgery on her foot ASAP.  So next Thursday, Mom will be having surgery,

    Getting back to the way she talks.  Her words are very scrambled.  It's like she was scrambled brain.  She is trying to get a point across or tell us something to do & it comes out another way.  It makes her frustrated because she can't get her point across.  

    So, I believe the conclusion, is that the infection in her blood that is causing her to talk crazy. I pray that is all. 

Please pray for me and family as we try to work through this situation.  And to help mom get better.  Any question, please feel free to message me on Facebook.   I will keep everyone updated on how she is and the surgery went.

Monday, February 22, 2021

So Fed up!!!!!!


    People have been telling me, that there was nothing wrong with me.  I started to believe them.  From 4th - 12th grade, I was verbally bullied and I hated every bit of it. My classmates thought it was funny to call me fat, ugly, bad words, and many just have hatred words to say.  However, I tried everyday, every single hour.  I tried to be invisible.  However, it never worked.  When I was in gym, they would make fun of me doing the exercises that we were supposed to do. When I was in the classroom, they would make fun of me sitting in the desk.  Saying that I wouldn't be able to fit.  I hated every bit of it.  

    I tried to make friends with them, however that didn't work.  It made it even more worse.  I had crushes on guys.  However they didn't see me like that.  I was even being bullied by them.  Which is the worse feeling.  That is why I never dated, or gone out with a group of friends.  I had trouble even going to a dance (middle school and high school).  Let me take that back, (sorry)!  I did go out with one guy and went to my junior prom. We only for at least 2 weeks.  For my senior prom, I went by my self.  It was okay, I guess.  I think I danced with 1 guy that whole night.  The other times, I just sit by myself.   Which is how it always was at the dances.  

    I have even been bullied in college and at some places where I had worked.  It completely has been so bad, that i had wanted to crawl in a corner like a ball and just cry.  And now I so many issues making friends and trusting them, that it's hard for me to explain why I am so quiet.  I still have trouble getting it out of my mind. I think that someone who has been verbally bullied all those years, wouldn't end up with some mental issues.  I believe that someone like that could end up with PTSD, Depression and Anxiety.  I have maybe all 3.  But I know I have 2 of the 3.  IT STINKS, for someone that age to be going through that.  

  I have been out of school since 1996.  An to this day, I still remember the people that caused most of the issues.  I have forgiven them, however I have not forgotten who you are.  I have trouble talking to them in passing, because I want them to wondering "Why isn't she talking to me?"  or "Why is she ignoring me?"  And I just some times walk away.  And let them figure it out.  

Please talk to your School age kids about bullying.  I hate to even see, kids now days who are killing themselves because someone is bullying them.  It breaks my heart.  I wish I could, do something about it.  However, I am only one person in a great big world.  

Not hitting my GOALS!!

 Not hitting my GOALS!!!

     As most of you know, I have been trying to lose weight.  However other things have appeared in the process.  Not allowing me to do what I want to do.  And it SUCKS!  I have been doing keto since August 3rd, 2020.  

     When I first started, I figured that I would not try to keep it up.  I have tried my best.  I mean since August, when I weighed 357 until now.  Which my weight is 309.  So a total of 48 lbs lost.  And I don't know how many inches.  

     I can tell that there is a change.  However, with the knee injury and now the issue with my heart.  I so want to get up and go walking to the church and back.  I can't do anything until I get the test results back.  It has been so scary.

     I have challenged myself to this point.  I am very determined to get to my goal, which is under 200.  So I have a total of 109 lbs left to lose.  

     There are some other things that is not working for me:  1. The weather,  2. Staying on Kaleb and his homework, 3. Helping my parents & worrying about their health, and 4. Dealing with my sister.  

     It is weighing on me.  I can't understand why I am built to handle situations like this.  It beyond my wild dreams.  I have been taught that God can only give you as much as you can handle.  I have been trying my best for the last 3 years or more.  I will eventually build up and I will probably go CRAZY or shut down.  Hopefully neither one.  



Monday, February 1, 2021

#WearRed #Feb5

February is Heart month

     I know everyone here has had a loved one affected by heart disease or has had someone who has had a Heart attack.  Or they have had issues with their heart or a stroke.

     So, with February being Heart month.  This month has really opened my eyes.  My Grandfather Leighton had a heart attack.  My husband has had 2 heart attacks.  My 39 year old sister had a stroke.  And now me having tachycardia, it's scary as heck.  

     On February 5th, is wear red in support of the American Heart Association.  I have several friends that will be supporting it.  And I will, too.  If you would like to participate, please wear red on Friday.