Sunday, July 28, 2024

4 long months

4 long months 

     Today has been a long day.  It's been hard for me to write something up & then it doesn't sound good.   But it's like Doug from the movie, "UP!"  "Squirrel!!!"  

     Today is 4 months since I have heard your voice, seen you walk in the door & laid in the bed beside you.  I explained that to a good friend & he said to sit down & listen to my words.  Think about what is going on around you.  I said, okay!  He said don't get mad at me or pissed off.  He said, Timmy is not coming back.  I have had heard that plenty of times before that.  But the way he said it, it was coming from someone outside my bubble.  

     The next line he said, was that I needed not to stay at home. He told me that I needed to do something by myself.   
1. Get nails done
2. Get toes done
Then he kept listing things that I need to do.  In my mind, if I was to to them my anxiety level would be up.  

     I ventured out this past weekend, when Ashley & I went to a New Kids on the Block concert in Charlotte.   I was so excited, but I felt like I was having a out of body experience.   I just felt weird while having fun.  

     Then when talking to the friend.  He told me remember several different sayings.  They have really helped:
 1.  Remember, keep moving! If you stop, that's 100% certainly you want make it!
2.  You got this! Inch by inch, side by side!


     Then I had lunch with some classmates from.high school - Justin Tolley, Sarah Roney, Jennifer Miles, Katie Snider, Kristi Wilson & Jamie Troxler.  We all had a ball & a good time.

     I'm trying to expand what I do & try new things.  It is scary.  If someone can help me or give me some ideas, please let me know?

Thank you for the continuing thoughts and prayers.   

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