Wednesday, October 9, 2024

Update on Dad

 Update on Dad

     We went for a CT scan & a consultation today.  CT scan still the same.  The first doctor said that he was a good candidate for the aortic valve replacement.   The second doctor said that he wanted to do a heart cather on him to see if anything else needs to be done.  If he finds anything, he can add that to the list.  Then he said, if I came down to it. He was do either a pacemaker or open heart surgery.    Then Dad should be able to get up and move or go.

     Once we schedule the heart cather.   By the time we leave, we should have the date on the other procedure.  Then we will go from there.  

Please continue to pray for us!

Friday, September 27, 2024

Only 6 months

 Only 6 months 

      As I sit here in the er at UNC main hospital with Dad.  I think about how it's been a hard 6 months.   But with it being 6 months, it's been 262800.288 minutes & 15768017.3 seconds.  You have been dearly missed.   But, I'm making it.  We are making it. Kaleb has really stepped up with helping Nana and  Big Buddy.  

     I feel you around me when I'm by myself.  I love when the memories pop up on my phone/ Facebook.   

     Please continue to pray for us at this time. 

Monday, September 23, 2024

A couple of weeks ago


A couple of weeks ago 

  Everyone in the family is doing okay.  

     But Dad went in for a check up with his primary doctor.   She listened to his heart and asked if they had ever talked about him having a heart murmur.  He said back in 2020.  But not since then. Well, she said it's back.  So they scheduled him a ekg & a echo.  

     The doctor looked & he scheduled Dad for a stress test.  Well, when the doctor read the ekg & looked at the echo.  The doctor said that his aorta was not working like it's suppose to be. He said, let's cancel the stress test & let do a heart cather.  Well, Dad will be having a heart cather done & a another procedure done.  Both will be done on October 9th at UNC main hospital.   

     He is officially not driving the school bus until he is cleared by the doctor to go back to work.  

Please pray for us as we travel down a new road.  

Wednesday, August 28, 2024

5 months- IYKYK

 5 months

As I sit here outside feeling the breeze & sun on my face. I'm trying to find the words to show how I feel missing you for the last 5 months. With it being 5 months. It has been 219145.319 minutes & 13148719.2 seconds since I have heard your voice & seen you walk in the door. Kaleb & I are doing good. Just trying to stay on top of everything. I don't want to be repeating my words from the previous post. But I'm trying to still wrap my head around everything.  

I have been challenged to write things down in a journal. In the journal, I was asked to write my emotions and feelings. And just everything that was going on in my head. I have written so much that I might have to get another notebook. Which I guess is a good sign. But it has been hard to open up and write things down. I have had to really reach deep down and find the words that I need. This is really outside of my box. If it helps, I will keep on doing it. 

(Something like this)

I also have been challenged to get out of the house even more than usual. So, what I started doing was walking. My goal is to get to 2 miles. I know you guys must think I'm crazy. But I have walked a mile & a half. I'm not going to lie. It was hard & still is. But I'm venturing out.  

Please continue to pray for us as we continue to learn new things without Timmy.  

Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Talk with a very good friend


Talked to a very good friend 

     I have been having some rough days.  It's been hard.  I told my good friend that, Mentally, I was done.   I was becoming overwhelmed with everything.   He told me I want you to try something.   

     He said get paper & pen & start writing.   He told me to write a letter to no one.   It's only been several days since I started writing.   It's okay.   I guess.  

     Then another friend told me that I needed to be specific and try to do the basic emotions.   But I'm venturing out to do further than the basic emotions. I'm so glad, God or Timmy had placed this friend in my life.   He has challenged me to do alot of things.  

     I want to thank everyone for their continued thoughts and prayers.  😔😥

Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Birthday wishes- Thank you

Birthday wishes- Thank you!

      I would like to thank everyone for the birthday wishes.   I had a good birthday.   I had a party with the kids at work.  Then dinner with the family.  Today at work one of my coworkers asked me, "What I wanted for my birthday?"  I told her only one thing.  But I physically can't have it.  

     I did receive some cards, gifts & cupcakes.   The ladies at work- a card & a gift.  My Aunt & Grandma- a card.  My neighbor across the street- a birthday card & cupcakes.  

     As I lay in bed, reading all the birthday messages.  I am missing a part of my party.  I'm okay right now.   But later on tonight.  I might not be okay.   If you know, you know. I really appreciate it.  

Thank you for your continuing prayers. 


Sunday, July 28, 2024

4 long months

4 long months 

     Today has been a long day.  It's been hard for me to write something up & then it doesn't sound good.   But it's like Doug from the movie, "UP!"  "Squirrel!!!"  

     Today is 4 months since I have heard your voice, seen you walk in the door & laid in the bed beside you.  I explained that to a good friend & he said to sit down & listen to my words.  Think about what is going on around you.  I said, okay!  He said don't get mad at me or pissed off.  He said, Timmy is not coming back.  I have had heard that plenty of times before that.  But the way he said it, it was coming from someone outside my bubble.  

     The next line he said, was that I needed not to stay at home. He told me that I needed to do something by myself.   
1. Get nails done
2. Get toes done
Then he kept listing things that I need to do.  In my mind, if I was to to them my anxiety level would be up.  

     I ventured out this past weekend, when Ashley & I went to a New Kids on the Block concert in Charlotte.   I was so excited, but I felt like I was having a out of body experience.   I just felt weird while having fun.  

     Then when talking to the friend.  He told me remember several different sayings.  They have really helped:
 1.  Remember, keep moving! If you stop, that's 100% certainly you want make it!
2.  You got this! Inch by inch, side by side!


     Then I had lunch with some classmates from.high school - Justin Tolley, Sarah Roney, Jennifer Miles, Katie Snider, Kristi Wilson & Jamie Troxler.  We all had a ball & a good time.

     I'm trying to expand what I do & try new things.  It is scary.  If someone can help me or give me some ideas, please let me know?

Thank you for the continuing thoughts and prayers.