Wednesday, August 28, 2024

5 months- IYKYK

 5 months

As I sit here outside feeling the breeze & sun on my face. I'm trying to find the words to show how I feel missing you for the last 5 months. With it being 5 months. It has been 219145.319 minutes & 13148719.2 seconds since I have heard your voice & seen you walk in the door. Kaleb & I are doing good. Just trying to stay on top of everything. I don't want to be repeating my words from the previous post. But I'm trying to still wrap my head around everything.  

I have been challenged to write things down in a journal. In the journal, I was asked to write my emotions and feelings. And just everything that was going on in my head. I have written so much that I might have to get another notebook. Which I guess is a good sign. But it has been hard to open up and write things down. I have had to really reach deep down and find the words that I need. This is really outside of my box. If it helps, I will keep on doing it. 

(Something like this)

I also have been challenged to get out of the house even more than usual. So, what I started doing was walking. My goal is to get to 2 miles. I know you guys must think I'm crazy. But I have walked a mile & a half. I'm not going to lie. It was hard & still is. But I'm venturing out.  

Please continue to pray for us as we continue to learn new things without Timmy.  

Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Talk with a very good friend


Talked to a very good friend 

     I have been having some rough days.  It's been hard.  I told my good friend that, Mentally, I was done.   I was becoming overwhelmed with everything.   He told me I want you to try something.   

     He said get paper & pen & start writing.   He told me to write a letter to no one.   It's only been several days since I started writing.   It's okay.   I guess.  

     Then another friend told me that I needed to be specific and try to do the basic emotions.   But I'm venturing out to do further than the basic emotions. I'm so glad, God or Timmy had placed this friend in my life.   He has challenged me to do alot of things.  

     I want to thank everyone for their continued thoughts and prayers.  😔😥

Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Birthday wishes- Thank you

Birthday wishes- Thank you!

      I would like to thank everyone for the birthday wishes.   I had a good birthday.   I had a party with the kids at work.  Then dinner with the family.  Today at work one of my coworkers asked me, "What I wanted for my birthday?"  I told her only one thing.  But I physically can't have it.  

     I did receive some cards, gifts & cupcakes.   The ladies at work- a card & a gift.  My Aunt & Grandma- a card.  My neighbor across the street- a birthday card & cupcakes.  

     As I lay in bed, reading all the birthday messages.  I am missing a part of my party.  I'm okay right now.   But later on tonight.  I might not be okay.   If you know, you know. I really appreciate it.  

Thank you for your continuing prayers.