Wednesday, August 28, 2024

5 months- IYKYK

 5 months

As I sit here outside feeling the breeze & sun on my face. I'm trying to find the words to show how I feel missing you for the last 5 months. With it being 5 months. It has been 219145.319 minutes & 13148719.2 seconds since I have heard your voice & seen you walk in the door. Kaleb & I are doing good. Just trying to stay on top of everything. I don't want to be repeating my words from the previous post. But I'm trying to still wrap my head around everything.  

I have been challenged to write things down in a journal. In the journal, I was asked to write my emotions and feelings. And just everything that was going on in my head. I have written so much that I might have to get another notebook. Which I guess is a good sign. But it has been hard to open up and write things down. I have had to really reach deep down and find the words that I need. This is really outside of my box. If it helps, I will keep on doing it. 

(Something like this)

I also have been challenged to get out of the house even more than usual. So, what I started doing was walking. My goal is to get to 2 miles. I know you guys must think I'm crazy. But I have walked a mile & a half. I'm not going to lie. It was hard & still is. But I'm venturing out.  

Please continue to pray for us as we continue to learn new things without Timmy.  

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