Monday, September 23, 2024

A couple of weeks ago


A couple of weeks ago 

  Everyone in the family is doing okay.  

     But Dad went in for a check up with his primary doctor.   She listened to his heart and asked if they had ever talked about him having a heart murmur.  He said back in 2020.  But not since then. Well, she said it's back.  So they scheduled him a ekg & a echo.  

     The doctor looked & he scheduled Dad for a stress test.  Well, when the doctor read the ekg & looked at the echo.  The doctor said that his aorta was not working like it's suppose to be. He said, let's cancel the stress test & let do a heart cather.  Well, Dad will be having a heart cather done & a another procedure done.  Both will be done on October 9th at UNC main hospital.   

     He is officially not driving the school bus until he is cleared by the doctor to go back to work.  

Please pray for us as we travel down a new road.  

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