Sunday, October 7, 2018

Wild and Crazy Year - 2018

" I know people have it worse than me"

I have been bought up to and  learned to have family close by.  Some people might not agree with me.  I really don't care about that.  The reason I said that was for the past 12 years, my Mother, Father and Sister have lived with us.  They have helped us out with Kaleb since he was born.  They would watch him, so we wouldn't have to pay for childcare when he was younger.  In return, they could use the van to transport people to work, school, and  doctor's appointments.  They also used the van to pull my Mom's motorized wheel chair trailer.  

January - March

Then starting on New Year's Day 2018- We started having bad things, happening.  We had our engine blow up on us, while taking Timmy to work.  Then at least 20 days into the New Year.  On Jan 21, Mom fell and broke her ankle in 2 palaces.  A couple of weeks, later we were still doing okay.  In the process of the van messed up, my Aunt let us use her car and that messed up.  Once we got those back and fixed.  Mom was home, yeah!  But still had to go to physical therapy to get her leg working like it should.

April - May

I started feeling really sick and not feeling up to par.  I drove us to UNC Hospital in Hillsbrough, to see what was wrong with me.  While there the doctors, proceed to tell me that I need to have my gallbladder removed.  Because I had 100 small gallstones in it.  I was out for at least 1 week.  I would like to Thank my boss for supporting me, while I was on medical leave.

June - July

In June, we received a eviction notice from our Landlord. The letter was on the 1st of June.  However was not hung on the door until the 13th of June.  We had to be out by 1st of July.  We only had 1 month to move 5 years of stuff .  All of the items is in storage and then from 4th of July until now we have been living family, friends and in a hotel.  Also, the van messed up again.

August - October

School started back for Daddy. Kaleb had already been in school for a while.  Then my dear sweet Vanessa Mobley, wanted to help us out.  So she started a Go Fund Me Page to help us out.  She was trying to help us out.  The worst possible thing to be is homeless and financial hardship at the same time.๐Ÿ˜ข Then the most recent - Dad has a hernia in his stomach that he has to talk to a surgeon. He has to watch what he does.  So, in the next couple of days, we will know what will happen?

What is the saying?  "When it rains, it pours!"

๐Ÿ™ Please continuing praying for my family.  ๐Ÿ™

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