Wednesday, December 5, 2018

The Best Christmas Gift Ever!!!!! PRAISE REPORT!!!!!!!

Maybe NO Christmas at all!  

     I was starting to believe that we were going to stay in a hotel for the holidays.  Because we couldn't find any place in our budget. Because what we needed was a 4 bedroom/ 2 bath and they ranged from $1000.00 and up per month.  Even if we tried our best, it would even be possible.

    I believe God puts people in your life for a reason.  For 2018, our year has been a CRAZY one.  Since the beginning.  There have been several angels placed in our lives.  But there are 2 angels that God placed in our lives.  Timmy has known them since he was a little boy.  

     When they found out about our current living situation they wanted to help out in some way.  So, they called Timmy one day & told they wanted to buy us a house.  Timmy was in shock.  He said, OK!  Then Timmy came home & told us.  Then a couple of days later, they called & told Timmy (that they wanted to go and check out this house.)  We agreed to go and check it out.

     We went and checked it out.  You walked in the door.  OMG!!!! Amazing!!! I walked in the door and fell in love.  Timmy called, the couple back and told them that we loved it.  They said, okay!  The couple called a couple of hours and told us that they accepted the offer.   Then they called and told us the closing date was 12-5-2018.  

The Best Christmas Gift Ever!!!!!


  • What do you do for someone who has done such a big thing for your family?

  • What did I do to deserve this?

  • Do I need to pay it forward?

Please God, show me how and what I can do to show my gratitude for such a big gift.  Thank you God for the blessing that has been placed on my family.



  1. God is so faithful!! I'm so excited for you guys. You do so much for others and someone wanted to give back to you. I'd say bake them something yummy in your new oven and send them a note. And send me your new address :) Celebrating with you today friend!

  2. Thank you, Chrystal! And I will do so. Maybe when you guys come up to Grandma Page's, you guys can swing in and visit. But, it maybe after the holidays.

  3. Just do something simple for them. As Chrystal said..bake them something and as many of you as able, go to their door and give it to them with a note of thanks. Yes definitely Pay It Forward. Again, it doesn't have to cost money. Take food to homeless shelters or work at homeless shelter. Find a family like yours and take them food or clothing (coats). As most of all thank God every day!

  4. Thank you for the ideas. When I choose what I am going to do. I will post about it and how it felt doing it.
